Website editor: Les Gîtes du Layon
Tél : 02 41 03 26 87
Editor : M. PAYEN
The website is hosted by OVH.
The website was created by Terre de Pixels : agence de communication
Photos by : Payen / Terre de Pixels
Any reproduction prohibited without the author’s permission.
In accordance with the provisions of the “Law on computers and freedoms” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the user has a right of access, rectification and deletion of personal data. The implementation of these rights is possible by sending an email. The user also has a right of opposition to the processing of his data on legitimate grounds and a right of opposition to the use of such data for commercial purposes. The general structure and architecture of the site, as well as each of its elements, including software, texts, animated images or not, are protected by copyright. As such, any use and in particular any reproduction of the site or its elements, as well as any transfer of its elements to another site without the written and express agreement of the assigns is prohibited and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L. 335-2 and following of the intellectual property Code. The marks (semi-figurative or not), as well as the logos appearing on the site are protected. Any total or partial reproduction of these marks or logos made from the elements of the site without the authorization of the Editor is therefore prohibited. The user may not set up a hyperlink in the direction of the site without express and prior authorisation.
Můžete se rozhodnout zabránit tomuto webu v agregaci a analýze akcí, které zde provedete. Tím ochráníte své soukromí, ale také zabrání majiteli, aby se poučil z vašich akcí a vytvořil lepší zážitek pro vás a ostatní uživatele.